The phrase "上一把游戏" can be">







How to say "上一把游戏" in English

The phrase "上一把游戏" can be translated to "the last game" in English. For example, you can say "Let's review the last game and see what we can improve."

How to say "游戏结束" in English

"游戏结束" can be translated to "game over" in English. This phrase is commonly used in video games to indicate that the game has ended.

How to say "队友" in English

The word "队友" can be translated to "teammate" in English. For instance, you can say "My teammates and I worked together to achieve victory."

How to say "取得胜利" in English

The phrase "取得胜利" can be translated to "achieve victory" or "win" in English. You can use it in sentences like "Our team fought hard and finally achieved victory."

How to say "失败了" in English

The phrase "失败了" can be translated to "failed" or "lost" in English. For example, you can say "We lost the game, but we'll do better next time."